New Shop Deco

It's been nearly two weekends since the opening of the our izakaya last tuesday on the 11th May. We have sold a bit of sake but didn't realise that we have a nice spot above the mirror where we can keep the empty bottles as decoration until a week ago. Unfortunately, because of our lack of experience, we have discarded about half of what we had.

It's cliche. We've seen it in many places but it adds to the overall izakaya feel. 
(L to R): Hakkaisan Daiginjyo, Masumi Sanka, Denshu, Kamoshibito Kuheiji, Hakkaisan Daiginjyo, Masumi Nanago, Masumi Sanka, Kokuryu Ryu and Denshu.

It's monday tomorrow and we are off for the day. Stay tune for the two weeks postmortem of the business so far.

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